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Skyrim Default Time Multiplier is too Slow


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This is my first time ever using the Nexus Forums in the 4+ years I have had my account, so I apologize if I don't conform to the standards that are on this forum. I have uploaded my plugin list to Modwatch, but it appears to not be working properly right now. However, I've uploaded my list to Modwatch here in the hopes that is will get fixed soon. I have uploaded a list to pastebin for the time being.


I recently moved my entire set of Oldrim mods over to Mod Organizer from NMM and redownloaded Skyrim, and added a good amount of mods while I was at it (for content and compatibility functions that I overlooked on NMM). Upon starting a new game of Skyrim on this new build of mine, I noticed that the passage of time was going much slower. I found a workaround to this in the form of the SetGameTimeMultiplier (or sgtm) command, and got my game to run at the normal speed when I set the multiplier to 1.85-1.9. The problem with this workaround is that if a killmove is performed, the time multiplier resets to 1 (which should be normal, but is extremely slow) and when Skyrim is reloaded (from a launch or even a quickload), I need to run the command again.


I currently have no idea what mod is causing this time problem, and decided that it would be a good idea to finally get help on the forums. I would very much appreciate some insight into this problem, if anyone has experienced this issue before.


Thank you,


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Update: I narrowed the problem down to my Skyrim.ini file by generating a stock Skyrim.ini file and replacing the one in my MO profile. I will be attempting to remake my Skyrim.ini file from scratch to solve this problem.

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