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Well I guess no one will give it a try let alone a chance and I don't know how to do the great things like you all do and you can't teach a old dog new tricks if you catch my meaning.

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If you want it so bad, it's not all too difficult to do it yourself...or at least something you can do yourself while waiting for something better.

edit: You will need LooksMenu for this to work.


Step 1: Start a new character. Make her what you want your new companion to look like. Save it as a preset.


Step 2: Go back to the save you want this companion in.


Step 3: Choose a vanilla companion who you think the voice would fit for your new companion; ie Piper.


Step 4: Open the console and click on your desired target (ie Piper)...the console will give you an ID for said target.


Step 5: Type "slm xxxxxxxx" where the x's are the ID the console gave you.


Step 6: Load your preset. And bam, you have a black female companion. Sure, it's a workaround, but if no one else will make it for you, it's the next best thing.

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  • 5 months later...

Well I have tried to replicate the two famous black female porn stars and I failed miserably lol man this is just crazy well at least I tried lol I guess these two beautiful ladies won't be seen in fallout 4 anytime soon lol

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I'd personally go with an already modded companion, like Heather Casdin (although the voice is all wrong... and NO, don't even go there... you know what I mean).


Ivy would probably work well, especially since you are looking for a 'pornstar'. I used her for a little bit, but she was bit TOO... ribald? for me... and I have some major-league thick skin when it comes to smut. She just started telling this story and i was like, 'OKAY, you need to leave now'. I don't even remember where i stuck her (I think vault 88... I NEVER go back there). Raunchy AF (and not really in a good way, IMHO).


Buuuuut, if you mod her looks with the SLM command, she'd probably work for what you want. She's available over at that 'other place'. You know... the laboratory where people show love... :tongue:

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