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How to modify power attack(weapon bash) AP cost?


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Hello ,modders .

How to modify power attack(weapon bash) AP cost?

As I know ,

fActionPointsAttack XXXX under FO4edit Gamesetting is does not work at all , whatever I set the vale.





which I find in https://www.creation...tegory:Settings , do not work , too. ( It looks like using for skyrim)

Now all I know how to modify AP cost of power attack function is

to modify the vale : Mod_ReducedPowerAttack_AV [AVIF:00245BDB] under : mod_armor_ReducedPowerAttackPerk "ReducedPowerAttackPerk" [PERK:00245BD8]

from -0.01 to any figure be close to 0 just like -0.1

then type ~ use the Console in game

click any armor piece on the floor and type :

amod 00245BDA ( others armour mod to reduce AP cost of power attack is OK)

and then equip that armour piece,

your power attack won't cost any action point.

BUT this idea is not perfect. What do you think?? Any ways to make it more directly and effectly?

Sorry for my very terrible English.

Edited by haohao69869
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