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Can I run this?


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With all enb sets you will lose from 10-30 fps depending on hardware. I have a 6870 and only lost around 10 fps when i tried his profile.


A good rule of thumb if you want to know if you can use enb or not with out lagging is to make sure you can still run between 40-60 fps after installing all the graphics mods you want.

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I haven't lost too much FPS using Superl3's ENB mod, well with everything enabled (slow) I lost quite a bit. I would get a fast version of the ENB mod, should be labeled in most downloads, also tweak your Skyrim and play around with it. Took me awhile before I was happy with my settings + ENB and still having good frames.
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Zoner's ENB is a relatively small hit on fps, and if you are like me and dont have a clue how to tweak ini files, the enb customiser that is out now makes it easy to fiddle around with the settings.
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