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Legend of Dragoon


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ok a few things:

1. ihateregistering: Your insane!

2. By command do mean like a spell?

3. your insane

4. You can bound armor and stuff right? why not make a set of armor and a spell to bound it for i don't know 300 secs?

5. Again: Your insane!! it's a good game.


sorry it's my favorite besides Oblivion and the VP series.

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@tyreil829 Yes I did


1. I know

2. No, by a scripting language command, So that I could "transform" the armor whenever I'd desire. For example bows use morphing. When you "pull" hte string the bow morphs from one mesh into another. I'd like to slowly morph one armor mesh into another when you for example draw your weapon.

3. I know

4. Yes, but that's pretty cheap because there's no animation except for the castin animation. I'm personaly searching for something else, but binding the armor would serve yout purpose well.

5. I know - it's wasn't bad per say, but it most definately wasn't all that good either. The idea wasn't bad at all, but the execution was extraordinarily boring. But those are just my feelings about it, don't take my word for it. You don't realy have to defend the game ,I'm not attacking it's qualities but merely stating my position towards it. If you like it then you like it, I won't try to convince you otherwise. However, as far as ps1 japan-RPG's go I'd rather play Suikoden or Breath of Fire.

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IRH did post a topic about this before i think it came to the point its is possable but not adding animiestions + if you want to fly it would require OBSE and the hell amount adding things to get it TO fly


Col John Sheppard

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There's no script for morphing/animated weapons armor per say.


Things like that are done in nifscope.


No, realy you're asking the wrong questions/missunderstanding my answers. That's what hapens when you don't understand the basics. And trust me, no ammount of asking around the forums can substitute understanding of the basic concepts.

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In that case either try to read/understand or point your friend towards the following tutorials:






Naturaly there are more, just search for them.

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