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Trying to make personal modifications to BBP physics


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Obviously, this is me trying to modify how the breast physics work from CHSBHC, and not understanding all that's needed. I've tried out nifskope a bit, but that doesn't seem to alter how the breasts actually bounce; just their size. Also, I haven't figured out how to make them "spread out more" (i.e. more cleavage). Either I've been tweaking the wrong numbers, or nifskope is not the program that deals with the bounce physics.


My guess is that I need to modify the skeleton_female.hkx file, but I don't know what program you'd use to tinker with that. Any advice?


(If this is in the wrong section, feel free to move it.)

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How they bounce? it's the animation

Whant more cleavage? edit the body mesh or :

1. Edit skeleton_female.nif

2. Make sure the animation remaded with Breast bone or it won's show what you want

3. Lot of work? Yes, it is

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