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skripting an event to a specific pc name


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Hi modders out there,


is it at all possible to skript an event to happen only if the player character has a specific name? Like, say, an NPC called Romeo will only offer to marry the pc if th pc's name is Juliet (stupid example, but you get the idea). If the pc's name is, like, Mary, he'll say something different or not talk at all.


I'd be grateful for any advice, I'm an absolute noob when it comes to modding.


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If there is only ever one Romeo NPC and one Juliet NPC in the game, then it should be easy to do.


Like with your dialog info conditions you could have something like:




(Where Romeo = the FormID of the actor the line is to be said to.)


This tutorial series introduces you to the basics of adding dialog to the game: Quest Tutorial Series


EDIT: Oops. I read your post wrong wrong. In my mind I was thinking about NPCs. Not the player character.

Edited by David Brasher
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