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Sabriel necromancer armor/sword?


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So I don't know if anyone ever read those books, but here's the wiki page on it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sabriel


As you can see, there is a nice picture of her armor and you can sort of see her sword. Yes I know about the bandolier mod. But i'm looking for actual bell shaped pouches on a bandolier. And her actual armor, I don't think I have seen a mod that makes something like that. From what I can remember, the book says that she has chainmail on and then a somewhat thick robe on top. The robe as you can see is blue with silver keys on it. The robe would stop midway above the knees. I'm guessing that the pants are chainmail as well and leather black boots.


If anyone actually takes this mod on...would it be possible to get the armor for both sexes? I switch between a male elf and a female breton.


As for her sword, this would be easier to make I should think. Maybe something like FavoredSouls Sword of the Seeker? With the runes glowing? The runes were cast with magic so thats why I would like them to glow.


Or if anyone knows of any mods that are all ready out there that might have this or something like it, give me a link.



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