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Continue the Main Story of Skyrim-Thalmor attack


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Like every body knows, Tamriel is under the threat of the Thalmor and the dominion, few years before was the great war, between the empire and the dominion. All the time, we see the Thalmor act like in a conquer country.


So my idea is simple, what will happened if the Dominion try to invade Skyrim?

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Well the empire would most likely fight them. Or Stormcloaks , depending on your loyalties. I think beth made it very clear that they were making that the next DLC in the game. I mean the whole thing was just them setting the scene for another great war.
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So i develop my idea, for the beginning there are 3starts.


-At the end of the Brotherhood's quest, when you kill the emperor

-When a side win the rebellion

-After the main story's end, when you came back from Sovngard.


At this point, i want to create a mod, which put the player like an actor of this war. And i'm here to gather a community, in the goal to create this mod.



And about Bethesda, i don't trust them about it, you see how they did the "Civil War"...sorry, but i was dissapointed. "Yeah, good man, you won this war. Now take my sockets in present and go to kill the last Stormcloaks'/Empire's camp".


I prefer that a modder community do it, so a player community. Not a community of merchants^^

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So i develop my idea, for the beginning there are 3starts.


-At the end of the Brotherhood's quest, when you kill the emperor

-When a side win the rebellion

-After the main story's end, when you came back from Sovngard.


At this point, i want to create a mod, which put the player like an actor of this war. And i'm here to gather a community, in the goal to create this mod.



And about Bethesda, i don't trust them about it, you see how they did the "Civil War"...sorry, but i was dissapointed. "Yeah, good man, you won this war. Now take my sockets in present and go to kill the last Stormcloaks'/Empire's camp".


I prefer that a modder community do it, so a player community. Not a community of merchants^^

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For the the thieves guild, i disagree. Why will they join the fight? They have no reasons to do it. But the Nightingales could have reasons. Like thalmor's troups walking toward Riften or Fallkreath, i don't remember very well, where is the Mausolee.

For the blades, it will be incomfortable, because if you want join them you must kill Paarthurnax. And i did not. Why not the Grey bears join the fight?


Something on this mod which interessed me very well, is that you took some decisions, and those decisions will affect this conflict.


You won the Rebellion with the Stormcloaks or the Imperial, so you will see it on the troups that you'll gather, and maybe you 'll see it on the quantity of the troups.

You did the Truce between the two sides, and this little peace continues until the Thalmor attack. And the two side will be on the battleground.

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If you 're talking about a recon, the Dark Brotherhood will be in a better place than the thieves guild. And i don't see what will do the thieves guild? It's a banch of thieves afterall. But the Nightingale it's an other story.


And the thieves guild don't care about the Thalmor. They never said that they thougt that the Thalmor are their enemies. For the Dark Brotherhood, as the Thalmor destroyed the Cyrodiil's sanctuary, they don't hesitate so much to join the fight.

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