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Improving graphics?


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can some direct me to a mod that improves the game's graphics to the extent of those we see in the screenshots of other mods like blackluster and alexander wings or exnem body replacer?

i had a mod that can do that before but that was deleted long ago...i've looked over 150+ pages of mods already but....





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What kind of graphics improvements is it you are thinking of?


If it is about the blur caused by illumination it is possible that it can be achived by altering the HDR or Bloom Variables in the .ini file. For information about this you can read the Oblivion Tweakguide at www.tweakguides.com. It is possible there is a mod that does this, but I do not know about that.


If it is about getting higher resoluted textures this can be achived by Qarl´s texture pack 3. Or if you not has a very high end computer QTP3 Redimized or Qarl's Texture Pack 3 Redimized and Further Reduced.

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