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Couple of problems with Wrye Bash


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Hello. I am running Skyrim with about a 100 mods. I have installed a few quite complex ones recently (I'll list them below), and unfortunately I'm now getting a CTD once try to load a saved game. Thought I will try to make a bashed patch, so I have downloaded Wrye Bash, copied over my mods from the configured NMM folder to Bash Installers folder (I did not mess with the mods, I have just copied the packages over as they were). Afer opening WB it showed all my installed mods (the Mods tab). I clicked on Installers tab, received a message that WB needs to initialize some data, then all the mods were scanned. Once the scanning finished, the installers tab remained empty, there are no mods (packages) showing.


In the Mods tab all my installed mods are shown, along with the load order. I have created a bashed patch, merging a few mods, however I'm still getting CTD after loading up a game - the game loads up, however just after that it CTDs, the actual game screen is never displayed.


I am not a very experienced Wrye Bash user, and I am not sure how can I check which mods are conflicting (I know that if they are marked in red, there is something wrong with them?). I have a couple of questions:


1. Why my installers are not shows in the Installers tab, despite the Bash Installers containing all the packages?

2. Could you advice how can I check which mods exactly are causing CTS without unchecking one at a time and running the game each time to see if it loads up?

3. Is there anything like TESEdit available for Skyrim? I remember using it for Oblivion and FNV, and it was quite easy to see which mods are causing problems...


The mods I have recently installed (unfortunately all in 1 go...) are:

1. Imps more complex needs

2. Scenic carriages

3. Real Wildlife - Skyrim - Real Wildlife - Skyrim 1_341 (+IMCN patch)

4. Babettes Feast - Improved Cooking - Babettes Feast Balanced (+IMCN patch)

5. Balanced Magic


and a few other, small mods, mainly textures packs, which shouldn't really cause any conflicts.


Any help and advice is much appreciated, guys! I've just taken a week off and planned to spend it smashing Skyrim with my new mods, but now it seems like I'm going to spend it repairing the game!!!


My load order is as follows:



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I think the reason you are crashing is because your load order is all out of whack. Just comparing it to my own list i can see some mods that are not in the correct position.


Download BOSS, run it and use it to order your mods properly. BOSS will usually reorder them automatically, but depending on your version of WB you may need to do it manually by altering the dates. You don't want to have a list with mods highlighted red like that. Since it causes crashes.


Also, in NMM, change your Mod directory to match your Bash installers. That way you can use NMM to download mods and use WB to manage them.


As for why your mods arn't appearing in the installers tab. Try doing an "Anneal All". I think i had a similar problem with oblivion. If not that then you need to maximize WB.

Edited by KingFrostman
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