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Who Would Be Interested In A "ReBuilt Helgen" Mod


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HI, Chuckmccaw here, creator of the not so famous Walking Dead Zombie Apocalypse Mod (HERE!). Now im not saying i'm finished with that mod far from i would think, but i need something new to break the monogomy, so i thought i'd go for a more popular mod idea, Helgen being fixed up after the dragon attack, with new npcs, new merchants, new buildings and maybe if it gets enough support new quests, all this occuring a month or so ingame after helgens been destroyed (probably make a build straight away version for those who can't wait) It would add a new walled city that would fully fit lore.

Bottom line, whos interested in it if i made it?

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In all honesty, I doubt I would be very interested unless it was a quest to allow you to finance rebuilding of the town itself, and choose what is and isn't rebuilt.


you mean like.... rebuilt the town and earn income from the shops and stuff?

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I'd certainly like to see this, chuckmccaw. Have you used "Kvatch Rebuilt" for Oblivion. The team that created that mod rebuilt Kvatch over time, with the PC running various errands to find people to get things done. I wouldn't even necessarily want the player involvement, though, but just the city being rebuilt over time.


Note that a lot of players (me included) are using alternate starts in which the Main Quest isn't engaged and Helgen doesn't get destroyed. You'd have to make sure your mod doesn't kick in until after Alduin attacks Helgen, and not just time it for a certain number of days after game-start.


An alternate idea, if you're feeling industrious, is to remake the pre-Alduin Helgen so that it's a fully functional city, rather than a partially completed city with a lot of non-functional elements. I could even see an epic win, here, if you'd combine the two, so that people with alternate starts could visit the city before the attack, stay in the inn, barter with the merchant, chat with the residents, maybe even pick up some radiant quests. This would entail creating two Helgens, though, of course. All the buildings are already there in the game, as well as a number of NPCs. Some of the buildings are just "props", though, and the only scripting for the residents is what's required for the opening scenario of the game.

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if it is anything like the Kvatch rebuilt mod I'd use it.


with regards to alt starts, the one I'm using starts with a destroyed Helgen and talk of a clash between stormcloaks and imperials that is more than it seems (a destroyed town seems a little over the top)

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But it would be the same for alternative starts, just there'd be a gap of time between the old mostly useless Helgen and the fixed Helgen


The problem with that, Chuck, is that it's possible to "jumpstart" the Main Quest in alternate starts that don't begin with Helgen destroyed. Having your new Helgen in place may play havoc with the Main Quest in this case. I don't know this for sure, since I'm not sure of exactly what events that take place in Helgen may be triggers within the Main Quest. All you have to do is to check for the stage of the Main Quest and make sure it's at least at Stage 10 of MQ102, since at that point Helgen has been destroyed and Alduin is on his way to revive Mirmulnir for the eventual showdown at the Western Watchtower in MQ104.


Remember than an alternate start that doesn't enable the Main Quest will leave Helgen untouched by the dragon attack, which doesn't occur until sometime before Stage 30 of MQ101. I don't know the exact stage since the wiki only documents a few of them from 30 to 900, but there are 18 stages before Stage 30. I'm sure one of those is when Alduin appears during the cinematic intro to the game. Stage 900 marks your exit from Helgen and at that point it's already destroyed, but there are 63 stages before that in which the initial Helgen can be replaced by the destroyed Helgen. I'm guessing it actually happens at stage 900. You'd have to go into the CK and examine the quest stages to sort all this out.

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