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as long as you dont bump again you might not get into trouble anyway what are you trying to do ?


Col John Sheppard

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Well its losely to do with combining Telekinesis with the hold ability, i cant remember what its called but your press "z" to drag stuff around.


im wanting to combine it so that Characters can be picked up like an inanimate object, or like once you have killed them you can drag them about, however i want the player to be able to do this while the target is still alive, and also with that, i want their to be a significant decrease in the weight of the character.


I dont want to use mods which have already done this for me, because i think it would be fun to try it out myself, and then move on to other things.


so pretty much what im looking at is what functions or whatever do i use/change to create this.


Im not looking for you to write it out for me, but if you could give me a site, which would help me to understand the commands and function words that would be helpful.



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What ive found is that i need to edit the Physics of the program in order to get the desired effect.


Well im not sure if that is correct, but i need the spell which im making to make the bodies dead, but alive.


Dead so that i can move them, but alive so that they get up after you throw them about a bit.



Also i need to make the spelll change the weight of the body so that you can throw it.


Any ideas?

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I seem to recall, even with mods that hugely reduce corpse-weight, lifting and tossing around bodies still wasn't really doable. Oblivion just isn't designed for it. There are workarounds, but they tend to involve teleporting the corpses or suspending the actors in mid-air. If you just want a Force Push/Pull, however, you could look at the PushActorAway scripting function.
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