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2 Companions / Dragonsreach home


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Hey guys, this is my first time requesting a mod so I was just going to ask for something small and see if there's any takers.


First, there are two beautiful ladies here: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=17440 that are save games, but the creator has gotten quite a few requests about turning them into standalone followers / companions and we were wondering if anyone could help.


And for myself, I had a basic idea for a possible Dragonsreach home. I was wondering if someone could copy the main (throne room) cell, neatly line the upper balconies with some beds (maybe 15-20 of them in total) and find a way to add the standard smithing equipment of a forge, workbench, grindstone and tanning rack.


I suppose the smithing stuff could go in the entrance "lobby", but I was also thinking that maybe the little cellar area on the left- where there's a bed and where the kids usually stay- could be cleaned and converted into a smithing room. I'd also love the idea of eliminating the transport doors (to the porch and bedroom, etc.) and replacing them with swinging doors to different open areas, so the whole abode could be single-cell. I don't know if it's possible or too difficult, but if anyone's interested I'd love to discuss some possibilities.


Thanks for reading, I'd love to hear if anyone's interested!

Edited by miketheratguy
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