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Project Fallout Hawaii is now Recruiting


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Hey all!

The Fallout Hawaii team is now recruiting. We are accepting applications for most positions, including concept artists, asset creators, level designers, scripters, and writers among others. No "idea guys" please, and voice acting will be recruited a later date

Application Form

- - - Q&A - - -

**What is Fallout Hawaii (name in development)?**

After two iterations of mod projects anchored in this location started and failed to take off, we have decided to start fresh of what clearly is a popular idea. After several months of pre-production, our small group has decided to open up, start recruiting, and begin production in earnest. We believe waiting has allowed us to create a core foundation, something failed projects have struggled with.

This project is for the planned mod to Fallout 4 for PC. It is a stand-alone total conversion mod that will begin in Hawaii with no movement to or from the base game (set in Boston).

The scale of the project is more closely in sync with the DLC's from various Fallout games (such as Far Harbor or Old World Blues) as opposed to total conversion that aims to have a game equal in size to Fallout 4 such as Cascadia, New California, and a few other projects in the works.

By aiming for a smaller project we can hope to accomplish what we set out to do in a timely fashion

**What happened to the old Hawaii projects??**

They died out due to various issues. Several members of that team have come aboard to help out

**Is this a waste of time?**

No, otherwise we wouldn't be doing it. Bethesda is cool with mods, and has affirmed their place many times, despite concerns.

**Is this a serious project?**

Of course, I have met with many large mod project leaders over the last several years, and have a decent understanding of why certain projects fall apart and other succeed. Our core pre-production team all has modding experience and we have already added several talented new members.

**Is there a place to follow this mod**

Not yet. Coming soon?

**Where do i sign up?**

Edited by QuidProQuoBrute
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have a decent understanding of why certain projects fall apart and other succeed.



What are those factors?



There are a few. A lot fail at the planning stages. The lack of a vision. Nothing gets done because everything is rehashed and redecided on.


others lack of organization, talent, commmitment,



Setting goals is key



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