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Something Happening because of certain race script?


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So when you start Skyrim, right after you are done picking your race. Hadvar, the man who eventually escapes with you says something about your race, like if you're a red guard"What's a redguard doing here or if you're a khajiit"What's a khajit doing here" or if you're some elf and he'll say "What's an elf doing here" etc.


Something simlra happens at the party, there's this one part where if you're a high elf/altmer(however they call it), one of the thalmor people say why are you not at your post because you look like one of them when normally they'd start attacking you.


Is there some script/papyrus stuff that lets this happen. Mines is more basic, I just want to make it so that if you're a certain race, a set of clothing of some armor appears at a certain place. Anyone know how to do that?


Like say you were an imperial and ther'es a set of imperial clothing at the execution table before the dragon comes. I can't find a script in the stages, all I see is showracemenu and once done picking then start dragon quest.... cant find anything about hadvar's special treatment.


oh and if anyone knows, in the script, im not sure if im allowed to post it, but it says to equip "ClothesPrisoner" at this one part im assuming right after you choose how your character looks. There is not entry in creation kit in the content box when searching that. Is there some kind of identification somewhere else in some quest alias?

Edited by soulslayerzx
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All that stuff is done in the quest dialogue. There are multiple possibilities for what the NPC(s) can say. What they choose depend on the conditions in the dialogue. Here's a very simple dialogue tutorial by Bethesda that should at least get you started on creating dialogue.


And the prisoner clothes are equipped right after you start a new game, when you get into the cart.

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Oh. What's the point of that one papyrus thing in the stage that says sometihing like equip clothesprisoner.


And I know how to do the dialogue stuff, but thanks a lot for reminding me. I'll check the papyrus stuff from the conversations to see if each possibility has a certain papyrus thing that makes Hadvar say a certain line

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Oh. What's the point of that one papyrus thing in the stage that says sometihing like equip clothesprisoner.


And I know how to do the dialogue stuff, but thanks a lot for reminding me. I'll check the papyrus stuff from the conversations to see if each possibility has a certain papyrus thing that makes Hadvar say a certain line


IIRC, "ClothesPrisoner" is a game variable defined in the CK in the "Gameplay" menu under "Default Objects". It specifies what sort of clothes a prisoner (of particular race etc) will be forced to wear when he is locked up in a particular location. It is not a good idea to change the game variables - they will affect the whole game.

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What if I wanted them to make different clothing when they first started, or maybe I'd make it only for a certain race. Like if it is my custom race then the clothing shlal be this.
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