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Unable to Search/Interact With Ash Piles


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I've experienced this twice so far. I'll be 10 or so hours into a save and all of a sudden I just won't be able to interact with any ash piles. It's every kind of ash pile- ghostly remains, ice piles, seeker/wispmother remains, you name it. I searched the problem, but all that ever shows up is people complaining that ash piles won't despawn, which to my knowledge has long since been patched.


My mod list is:


Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
EFF Core
Climates of Tamriel
RS Children Overhaul
Extra Encounters Reborn
Jaxonz Positioner
Jaxonz Renamer
Artificial Intelligence Limit Increaser
Skyrim Weight Improvement
FFS- No Pause Between Lines
Hold Guards Keep Armor
Relationship Dialogue Overhaul
UI Extensions
Guard Dialogue Overhaul
RDO - EFF Patch
No Predators On Roads
Skyfalls + Skymills
Skyrim Distance Overhaul
Open Civil War
Better Fast Travel
Cloaks of Skyrim
Sounds of Skyrim
Run For Your lives
Windstad Mines
Extra Encounters Reborn
Tools of Kagrenac
Drinking Fountains of Skyrim
Bells of Skyrim
Royal Armory
Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim
Convenient Horses
Lock Overhaul
Order My Items
True Storms
Unique Uniques
Diverse Skyrim
Acquisitive Soul Gem Multithread
All Thieves Guild Jobs Concurrently
Better Skill and Quest Book Names
Dagger Sounds 4 Daggers
Disabled Basic Health Regen
Faster Combat Magicka Regen
Random Vampire Attacks Disabled
Simply Knock
Always Pick Up Books
Dragon Soul Relinquishments
Left Hand Rings
Unlimited Charge For Daedric Artefacts
Alternate Start


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