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Xbox 360 modded game save request?


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Can someone please make a gamesave for xbox 360 and post the link here?


I would like it to have all perks unlimited magicka and stamina but the health, can you give me just 400 health that would be fine. And can you make it pre character creation that way i can make any character i want? Please this will be the best save available for consoles. Everyone already made what im asking for but they have unlimited health. I dont want that you cant die and when you fight, the battle music dosnt come on. That just takes the experience away. The music is the best.

Oh and if you can add the ebony mail armour and the nightengale armour without the enchantments i would be very grateful. Please for the xbox 360 gamesave!

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This is a PC mod site and we support PC mods. NOT Console mods. If we start allowing console modders to post, then we come under scrutiny from that MS law machine that makes their living by suing small sites out of existence - and by their standards, the Nexus is small.

Please take your problem up with the MS legal department - as we do not wish to deal with them.

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