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Help regarding an issue with a mesh not showing up in game.


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I’m trying to make the eye cover mesh from the nightingale hood a stand-alone piece so that it can be worn with other headgear, one in particular that I’m currently working on. If I kitbash it onto said headgear in nifskope, it works with no problems. As a standalone piece however, it’s invisible in-game equipped. Now I could just make a few variants of said head gear but the idea is for it to be somewhat customizable. Any help would be much appreciated


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@OldManBeard question is absolutely correct and you should always check that to avoid any issues with invisible stuff. For myself and from my experience I will add a few extra tips.

Make sure convert nifs if they're from SkyrimLE with nifscope or nif optimiser tool. Drag and drop nif into nifskope, in Block list expand BSTriShape, click on BSDismemberSkinInstance and in Block details window expand Partitions. The number set must match the number of equip slot in Arma and Armo in CK. If there's no BSDismemberSkinInstance in nif loaded into nifscope, set equip slot in adequate default slot in Arma and Armo in CK. Also double check in Arma and Armo default race. In default race must be selected all races you plan your item to use...eg if is set only for vampire races, it wont be visible for other human races nor beasts..Remember one important thing. If you have any mod active witch uses same equip slot, that part wich is loaded in game as last in load order will win and load it. So if your mod will add piercing to slot 44 and it is above some mod which add something to same slot, you added piercing will be in game invisible. If you plan your mod to publish its always good if you mention in mod description any other than default slots used in your mod to avoid users negative responses in mod comments.

One more important thing..Textures.. You have to check in nifscope their correct path assignation to nif. Get use to always check them as well. Drag and drop nif into nifscope, in Block list expand BSTriShape, expand BSLightingProperty, click on BSShaderTextureSet, in Block details window check textures for correct textures folders structure and textures path itself. If they do not match, you can change or correct path to them by clicking a little star left from displayed texture path in Block details window. Don't forget save any changes. Its ok if you're familiar with these things, but maybe for someone with similar problem, this will be one of ways how and what.

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