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Sorry for not being clear in my last post :oops: . You can put all the powers in one script. Don't put ";", it won't work that way.




Begin MyScript


short PCVampire


if (PCVampire == 1)

addspell "Mypower"

addspell "Superstrength"

addspell "Super Intelligence"



end MyScript

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Uh.. just a question that hit me in my programming experience..


If you do this:

short PCVampire

Then this...

if (PCVampire == 1)


Doesn't that cause a problem? The way I figure, the local variable would override any global variables that had been set by the system.. So when you declare PCVampire as a local variable, wouldn't it compleatly overrule the global version?


In laymans terms, PCVampire would be set to 0 when the script ran, and you would get no results... Just a thought.. maybe someone more experienced with the specifics of TES:CS coding could help me out here..


And for the record.. while simplified.. I don't like the way Morrowind is scripted.. just doesn't seem logical to me.. After programming in C++, BASIC, Java Script, and Visual Basic a bit (plus game specific coding, like BYOND).. I don't know why programmers - PROGRAMMERS - would set it up like that... - People with DEGREES in manipulating computers set this up, not the general public mind you.



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Sometimes, when I don't declare global variables at the beginning of the script, it doesn't work, then I put it there and it starts working. Maybe you're right, Shadow of the Fallen, cus I'm not too good in scripting myself, so I am not sure about it.
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okay problems here


is your script global


then you need to start the script


also if it is global you need to say


player->AddSpell "Power_Id"


Here is how I would script it


Begin VampPowers (oooo)


If ( PCVampire == 1 )


player->AddSpell, "MY SUPER VAMPIRE POWER 1"

player->AddSpell, "MY SUPER VAMPIRE POWER 2"

player->AddSpell, "MY SUPER VAMPIRE POWER 3" (jeez I am awesome)


stopscript VampPowers






now either add this to the StartScripts in the editor ... or ... open up yet another script like chargen and add in the line StartScript VampPowers ... but I would just add it to the StartScripts.


You should never have to declare a global variable ... because ... well thats what it means to be global. I have never had that problem mate ... strange.

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I have had this problem: when loading morowind with some mod or another I get a message that says that the plugin cannot find the master file dependent on it. What does this mean, and another question is what is a jf file? morrowind won't run certine meshes because they are in a jf file. Do I need a jf file opener or is this something that can be fixed with the cs?
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