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Damage from contact


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Greetings!!! I just started tinkering with FO4 Creation Kit, and i am looking for a way to modify the settings to do damage just from contact if possible, like Liberty Prime does when he walks. I learned how to modify the player damage multiplayer it was pretty easy. I haven't started reading the tutorials I see there are some. thought I could probably save some time by asking If this can be done through FO4 Creation Kit or not, or if some one already knows how. Your assistance is greatly appreciated. :)

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I'm guessing that would have to come from adding some kind of explosion effect to your character, which I believe is the way that Liberty Prime causes his walking damage. And, I believe, how the Pain Train (perk) damage works. Actually, it might be worth looking into how Pain Train works since it sounds that's kind of what you're looking for.

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I'd think a good starting point would be under Actor(s?)/ Non Player Character, you should be able to find LP in there. You could also try FO4 Edit - when I'm just in "big picture" mode and browsing for info/ideas, I find the list layout of FO4Edit to be pretty handy. And, if you latch on to something interesting but want to check it out further in the CK, you know exactly where to look. (Iirc, I noticed the Liberty Prime and Pain Train stuff when I was browsing through the Explosion category in FO4 Edit a while back. Looking at that section via FO4Edit might be good for some idea generation.)

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