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Can I have more dragons?


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So I have what I believe to be a simple dilemma. I want more dragons. I tried to place more "lvldragon"s on the ground and it worked but they don't seem too function like regular LVL encounters. for one thing when I placed them in front of whiterun to test, they all appeared! Even on my character that hasn't gotten far enough in the main quest to see dragons they appear in front of whiterun. So I'm doing something wrong.


So I want to know how to place more regular dragon spawns on tamriel worldspace. And I'm pretty sure that "WIWaitDragon" affects the time between dragon sightings. By default it's 3 days. Can someone explain the settings of this global variable to make them appear more often. And any other settings that might affect the speed of dragon sightings.


I had a mod I downloaded that made dragons appear more often but it updated on steam and completely eliminated my dragon sightings. :wallbash: I would like to know how to make a similar mod and fine tune it to my liking.


Thank you in advance. :biggrin:


Edit~ I also don't know if the "lvldragon" dragons respawn or if they are a one time deal.


Edit 2~I'm trying to do all this in the creation kit any help is appreciated.

Edited by JesterKing
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