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Please Help!! Another Nifskope Q


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I can't for the life of me get textures to load in Nifscope.... Just a white mesh. I'm trying to recolor the silver sword. Did ok in Gimp.... Files all correct, by study of many, many tutorials.


I'm using Nifscope V. 1.1.0-rc7, but I feel some how this is not the current version for Skyrim (some of the tutorials, and other images I've seen on most pages look different then mine). I've been googling my butt off on this one.......


Please just knowing I have the current version would be much appreciated.

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Have you told Nifscope where to find the texture files for Skyrim?


A the top of the screen click on Render -> Settings ->General Tab and you'll need to specify which directories Nifskope needs to search to find the textures ... I don't think "Auto Detect Game Paths" has been implemented yet (though it may have been with rc7) so you'll need to manually enter the Skyrim data directories ...


Your version of Nifskope (rc7?) is probably the latest version available (rc7 = Release Candidate version 7) in other words it's still a work in progress and not considered to be a 'finished' product yet (kinda' like Skyrim) and this may be why your interface looks different from some screenshots, if they were using an older version of Nifskope. Personally I'm still using rc5 which is itself only a month or two old ...

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