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showracemenu for npc or utility


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with the console code I have changed some NPC but every restart of the game = I load the game, the basic face of the NPC back but the rest of the body has changed


npc north woman

I want a khaajit, vaalsark

I am typing the code and it works miracles I save and restart and load but returns face north woman basic but the rest of the body khaajit strange! :psyduck:



NPC's editor will be short, I load the "race mods" from nexus npc editor crach ..... :verymad: :wallbash:


if a mod or utility that can definitively change any npc. thanks :biggrin:



google translation!!

Edited by izanagi59
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and the reason why I wanted to build town or camp player.placeatme through code, but with npc copy and modify to give :devil:


khaajit town :dance:






google translation!!

Edited by izanagi59
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