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Skyrim save


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Manual saves at doors, transactions and probable events is a great suggestion. I have practiced this on both playthroughs so far without any savegame issues. My current one is at 747 saves. All manual no quick or auto saves.




I would suggest using Savegame Scanner http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=15054


With this small but very useful utility you can rebuild your game from any save since each save contains a lot of data about modifications that most people don't even know is there. I know I didn't until I discovered this utility.



If your Hard Drive doesn't have enough space just use cd/dvds to store the saves. That way you create a permanent record of your playthrough.




p.s. I know this doesn't solve your current problem, sorry.

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Yeah, it won't solve bloated save file issue. Savegame Scanner is more like an observation tool. If your save game file size doesn't decrease after removing all the mods, that save file is semi corrupted and you will experience 2-3 sec lock-ups/freezing even in vanilla game. Unfortunately, you need to roll back to an earlier save. I think a glitched script in save file may cause that and I think it was Imp's Complex Needs for me. It includes some eating/drinking animations which were broken in my recent save. Save 42 became 9.5 mbs after I installed Possesive Corpses and Mart's Savegame De-bloatifier lol. I won't use autosave or quicksave anymore. Hotkey save mod is awesome!
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Yeah, it won't solve bloated save file issue. Savegame Scanner is more like an observation tool. If your save game file size doesn't decrease after removing all the mods, that save file is semi corrupted and you will experience 2-3 sec lock-ups/freezing even in vanilla game. Unfortunately, you need to roll back to an earlier save. I think a glitched script in save file may cause that and I think it was Imp's Complex Needs for me. It includes some eating/drinking animations which were broken in my recent save. Save 42 became 9.5 mbs after I installed Possesive Corpses and Mart's Savegame De-bloatifier lol. I won't use autosave or quicksave anymore. Hotkey save mod is awesome!




Right you are! Clearly stated the scanner is just an observation tool. I wasn't that clear about that. My pre-emptive plan is to be able to go back to a previous save when things go south on my current save/saves. But if you're going to revert to a previous save with the need to re-install you better have a pretty good record of exactly how/what to rebuild so you can use that save. That's where the scanner comes in. All the info you need to do the build is stamped on the save itself.


It also gives you the ability to go back and examine what mod/mods, order, versions, script variables and papyrus were on your game from save to save and hopefully give you a clue as to what happened versus just observing the size of the saves. Not saying the save size isn't a good indicator...because it is!




So...to the OP: If you use the scanner at least you will know how to build your game if you wish to use someone elses save. I would offer you my savegame but I don't know if your system would run my game build. I run on Ultra with a lot of Mods. But you're welcome to it if you wish to try that method.

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