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Is there a Mod that disables Weapon Lowering?


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it's been bugging me for a while 'cuz in first person, my Weapon is 100% up all the time (It kinda destroys my Immersion) can someone help me please? if i have to change some scripts in the game, just tell me what to do to disable that goddamn Weapon Lowering :)

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You could try a mod like this and then look into the records it changes with FO4edit. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10446/


Kinda weird, the first sort of request I've seen like this, most people want a weapon that lowers in first person when not in combat, to match the #rd person animations.


But anyway, yeah if you look into the animation records there might be a value for time to lower weapon in 3rd person. just alter it. sometimes values can be sort of opposites so increasing the number might make the weapon lower even quicker. just experiment.

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eh, I just looked at the tactical animations mod and it doesn't have an esp. there is nothing to look at or edit in fo4edit. sorry for that bad advice. lol


You really should try out a lowered weapon mod. I find it more immersive to have my weapon lowered when not in combat personally, then as well it matches the 3rd person animation.


This is probably the best one. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/20093


Also, See Thru Scopes has a cool feature that Auto switches to first person when you aim. It is done very smoothly and reverts back to 3rd person when you let go of aim button. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/9476


Both these mods word on modded weapons I'm fairly sure.

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