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[WIP]New Battlemage Armor


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Update: The Armor is released, download and endorse it here


Well, after a lot of work on this armor ( You can see more pics here ) I decided to start making a New Armor which should have that Battlemage look, I started up with this:




Any suggestions and criticism are Welcome!

Edited by patobek
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the first, third and fourth models look like two halves of different armors (although the torso is one whole)

i don't know if it's supposed to be half mage armor and half knight armor, but i rather like it

of course, i think that making a full suite of the knight's armor will look really awesome, especially with that neck-guard and cool helmet (in the fourth model)


a few suggestions i have for you:

choose to go with one specific color scheme, so if the whole armor is very dark and metallic, those green and orange shoulder pads don't really fit (and the belt as well)

also, i think the hood should match the robe he is wearing, so you should go with a darker blue

one last suggestion, you may consider changing the sigil on the neck-guard to something that looks less like a Jack card (may just be me, but i think you can do a lot better)


all in all, the armors look pretty damn well, but i believe you can perfect them, and make something much better, though it may not be what you had in mind when you decided to start with this

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No, this is something completely new.

Thanks, I like the fourth version a lot because of the mask :)



I won't release them as a modders resources thats for sure. When I release it it will be fully functionable and of course its going to be craftable.



Don't worry I will, I gave the first Armor I mentioned to an experienced modder for rigging.

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Both of your armors look great.


The one thing I find strange is the two different boots and gloves. I feel like #2 without the shoulder pads and with the hood could be a light version of the armor and # 4 with two heavy looking gloves and boots could be a heavy version of the armor.


Especially with mounted combat coming up in 1.6 the gold face mask look really nice :)

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