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Zombie Apocalypse has begun


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I still want to know that Miami's guy problem. Not bath salts or any drugs according to autopsy.

Actually the link you posted said he was on marijuana, but that's not necessarily the cause. It also said there are many other substances besides bath salts that cause crazies like that but they don't have methods to detect yet.

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Now, I know a couple people who do smoke marijuana but the only thing I ever seen them attack is maybe a bag of chips, never a person. Marijuana wouldn't do this. However, you may be right on the undetected drugs.


But why does it have to be drugs at all? Could he just be crazy? Insane? Hallucinating? Possessed? My issue with all this is that we don't know.

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Oh god. :ohdear:


That's sick and inhumane. I've never seen a crime or incident like this before. Zombies may be pushing it though. IMAO, this guy was clearly out of his mind and hopped up on something other than an infectious super drug destined to destroy the human race as we know it. :P


But, who knows? I've been wrong before. :unsure:

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Not bath salts.


Not at trace.


Since it isn't bath salts, what else could it be now?

Ah, never saw that before. Well, thanks for shedding some light on the situation.


Also bath salts are NOT a drug. They are minerals that people can put into their tubs when they bathe which is supposed to act like water and minerals you would find in hot springs. And they are certainly not new... They've been used since ancient China and very commonly in Roman bath houses, etc.

However people somehow decided it would be a good idea to smoke/snort/ingest/whatever bath salts.

Yet another case of people hungry bath salt abuser:

Suspect high on bath salts threatened to eat people at Atlanta golf course, police say


I'm no expert on them, but I'm 99.5% certain that they're not the bath salts from old times, but a new drug with "Bath Salts" as a street name.

Edited by Flipout6
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