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Why is the Download Link for the 4gb launcher down!?


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So yeah I got my pc version of skyrim late, have about 81 mods running now and my game has begun to crash more and more just due to the 2 gb limit. I searched i up found a link to the 4 gb launcher download and now its saying the file is hidden by the author. wtf. I cant find a mirror for it anywhere if anyone knows of one or is willing to put a mirror up and let me know that'd be super bad ass. until then my souped up skyrim has to sit there all pretty like and not get touhed like it needs to be. FOR THE L0VE OF GOD SOMEONE GET THE 4GB LAUNCHER IN MY HANDS!!!!!! FOR THE LOVE OF SATAN IF YOUR A REBEL!!!!!FOR THE LOVE OF NOTHING/THE HUMAN EXPERIENCE IF YOUR AN ATHIEST!!!!!
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So yeah I got my pc version of skyrim late, have about 81 mods running now and my game has begun to crash more and more just due to the 2 gb limit. I searched i up found a link to the 4 gb launcher download and now its saying the file is hidden by the author. wtf. I cant find a mirror for it anywhere if anyone knows of one or is willing to put a mirror up and let me know that'd be super bad ass. until then my souped up skyrim has to sit there all pretty like and not get touhed like it needs to be. FOR THE L0VE OF GOD SOMEONE GET THE 4GB LAUNCHER IN MY HANDS!!!!!! FOR THE LOVE OF SATAN IF YOUR A REBEL!!!!!FOR THE LOVE OF NOTHING/THE HUMAN EXPERIENCE IF YOUR AN ATHIEST!!!!!


I thought Skyrim uses 4gb since a couple of patches ago (don't quote me on that though)... At any rate here is the 4gb mod.

Edited by Squizzo
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As much as I have to admire your enthusiasm, the reason the 4gb launcher was taken down is because it is no longer needed. Bethesda flagged Skyrim for 4gb in one of the patches quite a while ago so that fix is no longer needed or useful. If you are starting to get crashes it could be due to several different things but the 4gb isn't it. :)
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  • 4 years later...

I'm having this problem too. I just repaired my computer from a near crash and had to re-install Skyrim. I can play the vanilla game just fine but as soon as I add new locations like Helm's Deep, the four against the Thalmor mods and several others as soon as I got near a location that held one of the new areas Skyrim would CTD. I got one area to work but several others are still CTD prone. I may have to run a clean install to fix this.

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