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Treasure/Scavenger Hunt Story Mod - Checking Interest


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I've got an idea for a mod but I want to check if this is something people would be interested in first as the way I've got it mapped out currently would... take some doing and might require me to recruit a few others to help out.


Synopsis: Basically it's a treasure/scavenger hunt. You pick up a pretty hard to miss clue shortly after you exit vault 111 (or whenever, if you aren't starting a new game). This starts a quest where you follow a clue to find another and so on and so forth until you find the final reward (something pretty major and custom made for the mod, haven't quite decided what yet, however.)


Along the way you reveal an in-depth story with even deeper implications, introducing a new faction that doesn't precisely appear in-game. You also get a glimpse into the history of the Commonwealth since the bombs dropped and some insight into a couple other things.


Other features: Toggle quest markers. If you're struggling with a certain clue or just aren't one for puzzles, you can just have your map point you to the next one, but by default this is off.


Possible other features: Commentary, notes, and further backstory unlocked upon quest completion.


So I guess I've go two questions: Would this interest anyone? What part of this would interest you the most?


ADDENDUM: To give you a little more information, while the storyline and whatnot isn't entirely fleshed out yet, I can give you a general idea of what it involves.


Really, the whole thing was inspired by P.A.M. The idea that pre-war it was possible to somewhat predict the future. Now ostensibly P.A.M. was created by and used by the U.S. military. This might hint otherwise, not sure, but if they could do it so could someone else. And maybe they weren't the first.


So enter the Charters, a shadow organization capable of a certain level of prediction of the future who have been around for a while even by 2077. Their goal is simple: preserve mankind and guide them down the best path possible. (What is best is the subject of some debate, of course.)


The story follows one of their agents from just after the bombs dropped, through the process of becoming a ghoul, and for most of the last 200+ years of the Commonwealth, still carrying out the Charters' orders.

Edited by ExoArchivist
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