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What is going on here? (Video Included)


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As you can see I'm getting weird texture morphing depending on the distance from the wall... This is in whiterun.


I have the HD DLC+Fix

Skyrim HD

HQ Towns and Cities (should i uninstall this one?)

Paralax Whiterun installed (manual installation, how do i fix or get rid of it?)

and i did have static mesh improvement but I uninstalled it...


Any ideas?

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@mattbison, hi, was curious and looked at your vid a few times, not really sure exactly what you're referring to by

'texture morphing' getting weird as 1st person view distances change lol, my guess is the way the rocks in the wall look right?


I would guess that the Skyrim rendering engine is probably doing the best it can to realistically display the scene at different distances

with what looks like the only primary light/shadow generating source being the outdoor floor-standing fire sconce.


By design, Skyrim texture files (.dds) have about 8+ different built-in levels of detail which display based on viewing distance for performance reasons.

Also, object mesh files (.nif) can have different alpha channel lightmaps assigned to control how light is reflected/absorbed (opaque/transparency).

There are also many INI/ENB tweaks that can be utilitized to force how you want level of detail rendered (quality vs performance).

Anyway, are you seeing the same display weirdness in that same location during the daytime?


If you're talking about uninstalling the model and texture mod:

Project Parallax - Whiterun by Osmodius - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=16919

you'll probably need to go through that mod's install files and manually remove the meshes/textures it added or replaced.

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@mattbison, ahhh now i see what you're talking about sorry, looks to me like those corner stones seem to have a

smoother shinier brighter surface texture than regular wall stones and are also set at a 90-degree angle which is probably

causing the renderer and ENB to display glitchy looking lighting/texture/shadow transitions relative to the light source and

your viewing angle as distances change.

oh well, nothing's perfect, Skyrim's shadows/textures from fires/torchlight can look kinda weird sometimes i guess.


Trying different ini/enb settings might smooth detail transition rendering or maybe different HD textures.

Have you tried adjusting/experimenting with some of the many skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs.ini [Display] settings?

Specifically, iBlurDeferredShadowMask and other settings that control detail rendering distance/fade.

There is an [H]hardocp article 'Tweaking Skyrim Image Quality' - http://www.hardocp.com/article/2011/11/23/tweaking_skyrim_image_quality/1

(some of the conclusion settings they came up with honestly seem too high to me).

If you're an nvidia user you could check this out 'Five Essential Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Tweaks' -


Edited by xlcr
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