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Fall Teleport Activator?


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So I'm making a mod. And keepin it fairly simple compared to most of my ones I start (some of you may know what I speak of).

I have an area where you can easily fall off an edge, and can not seem to find something like what Bethesda uses to prevent you from falling forever or to somewhere you can't.

Basically I need some kind of plane that on touch moves you back to the start of a cell. Don't know what to look for, most tutorials do not cover stuff like this, and if one does I haven't found it. I've tried Google, which really doesn't help when you don't exactly know what you're looking for. So there, you can't tell me go look up a tutorial or Google it. I have.

Any help is appreciated! I plan on getting this out today or tomorrow. :thumbsup:

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So I'm making a mod. And keepin it fairly simple compared to most of my ones I start (some of you may know what I speak of).

I have an area where you can easily fall off an edge, and can not seem to find something like what Bethesda uses to prevent you from falling forever or to somewhere you can't.

Basically I need some kind of plane that on touch moves you back to the start of a cell. Don't know what to look for, most tutorials do not cover stuff like this, and if one does I haven't found it. I've tried Google, which really doesn't help when you don't exactly know what you're looking for. So there, you can't tell me go look up a tutorial or Google it. I have.

Any help is appreciated! I plan on getting this out today or tomorrow. :thumbsup:


The following could work for you:


- Place an xmarkerheading at the start of the cell, where you want the player to be teleportet to.


- Create a trigger, by selecting any object in render window and press the cubed T-button. Set the primitive type to 'box' and the collision layer to 'L_Actorzone'.


- Resize it to your needs and place it where you want it to be.


- Add the script 'defaultMoveActorTriggerScript' to your trigger, edit the property MoveToMarker and connect it to your xmarker.

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