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Please make this axe.


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Ok, so this is a while in coming, but here goes anyway. A quick 3D Modeling lesson:

Mesh is the shape of the object. Things like buildings, weapons, clothing. But meshes take a lot of computer power to manipulate in realtime. That's why you use....

Texture maps. Basically pretty pictures 'faking' the appearance of the object. A pair of dice for instance, would be a couple cubes, with textures for the pips (dots) and the shading at the edges. But textures maps need....

[uV] co-ordinates. The coordinates tell the computer how to wrap the mesh. http://www.hippydrome.com/MeshDesignFace.html shows a generic UV grid of a human face, that matches with the mesh points of the model. UV turns a 3D object into a 2D image (like unfolding a box of cereal or some such)


Creation Kit is indeed used to get the models and textures, and everythig else into the game world. But the model that I make in Blender (or any other 3D program for that matter) needs to be translated into a form that Skyrim can understand. Blender 2.6 (the version I'm using) doesn't have the translator yet.


Not having much luck with the texturing, so I may just release it as a modders resource.

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