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Horizon/JD's Weapon Overheating patch.


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This mod is new and pretty cool!! https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/33311?tab=posts


But the whole thing is handled with scripts and using MCM to edit it. I have no idea on scripts but I was able to look at the Source files and see that it seems to operate by acknowledging Keywords of weapon types, ammo types and receiver types.


If someone could make a patch for Horizon that would really be awesome. Horizon adds some new ammo types and new receiver conversions and one big thing it adds is weapon condition.


I am guessing where to add the new ammo types and receiver types is fairly simply by looking at the source scripts, but I wouldn't know where to add the weapon condition keywords. I think they fall under object modifications. There is a section which lists a couple of weapon mod keywords so maybe they might work if placed there? but I honestly would't know.


Things are often not as simple as I think they might be, I kinda don't know why I keep trying to do things myself with no real idea of what I'm doing. lol.


Hoping someone will want to create this. Also, I already requested this last part directly to the author but, just incase someone decides to do this, I think separating pipe type weapons from other weapons would be great, as I feel they should jam more frequently. atm the weapon types you can edit in the MCM are Pistols,Rifles,etc maybe a new weapon type keyword added to pipe weapons, or using a different already existing keyword, might work to give them their own slider in the MCM.

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