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Odd Request - Curie Voice


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So, this isn't a normal request...in the way I'm not asking for some sort of replacer or alternate option...actually quite the opposite. I don't know what mod has done it, but I've tried a few things and my Curie since finding her in Vault 81 only speaks French (read: she is speaking French...not English with a French accent, but actual French). Everyone else speaks English. I am clueless as to what has done this, but I don't have any mods changing her voice.


Onto the request....I would be eternally grateful if someone were to make a "replacer" that changes Curie's voice to her default English-speaking, French-accented one. I don't speak French and I hate playing with subtitles on.


Or if someone has a clue how to revert it to normal, that would be equally amazing!

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yeah that would actually be kinda cool.

https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/18758/ seems to do it



While that does allow for a French speaking Curie...I am still trying to find some way to revert it back to normal.


yes i know, but people seem to also be interested in having her speak french. i like to give people options lol so, did you check her entry in fo4edit yet?

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yes i know, but people seem to also be interested in having her speak french. i like to give people options lol so, did you check her entry in fo4edit yet?



I did, and nothing appears to be editing any files relating to her. I checked CompanionCurie, NPCFCurie, and RobotCurie specifically.

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