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Looking for 2D artist to help in game project.


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Let's get down to business, since I don't want to waste anyone's time.


I'm your average programmer starting off, reading books and tinkering with source code like a brat in a candy store. I've even started a project, along with the support of a few other people(mostly their support is telling me to get off my butt and do it quicker), but I have a little problem.


Morrowind is all about roleplaying, right? I'm sure most of you know about D&D and other P&P games, or even a few have played MUDs or done IRC FFRP.

Well, pen and paper games aren't exactly online compatable and at times hard to find a group(or a group where the hight of RP isn't "I cast magic missle and kill a bunch of stuff then get drunk with a bunch of elf chicks!").

And MUDs just get on my nerves. They just end up as hack'n'slashers without the cool pixelated blood!

As far as IRC RPing, it's pretty good - unless you have a complex and well thought out setting. Can anyone say "I hate dice bots?"


I've come up with the solution! But like I said, I have a little problem. I suck at art. Even my circles are more square then round!


My 'home-grown' game project isn't going to be anything extrordinary, but it /will/ be online, roleplaying focused, have smooth and clean game mechanics(when I get around to it hopefully I'll add plugin capabilities for custom settings and universes), and most importantly: FUN!


You're asking why an artist is needed then? Because like anything good, it should not only do it's job, do it well, and be user friendly, it should also look shiny and new!

I need a person willing to draw/make/conjure graphics to specification for things ranging from backgrounds, to little pixelated men, to icons.


Recommendations are: You have too much time on your hands. You have done computer graphics, art designing, tweaking or modding, drawing, or taken one of those class thingies where you learn. You're willing to work together for the greater good of geeks and roleplayers(there's a difference?) everywhere. You don't mind not getting paid. You are an ego freak and want credit for doing something useful and charitable once in your life. You're a roleplayer or fan of RPG-esque games(as if you'd be surfing an MW forum if you weren't).


Please divert all emails to project6dgames.yahoo.com

And change the period before yahoo to an at sign, of course.

Comments, compliments, flames, insults, questions, and rants welcome.

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