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Lost already, Duality magicka


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Yeah, it is being pretty stubborn, I did all the testing I could realistically think of. Well as a whole it doesn't need it, your magicka auto-correct makes it pretty decent looking. Would have been handy to have a second colour, but definately not needed.


I have been spending some time creating a vendor and his own personal shop etc, going to flesh it out a bit (since I need a way to acquire the spells.)


Also wrote a book, to try and make it SEEM more lore friendly, despite being more like a kick to the lores tender areas.


The mod is slowly taking a form, so it feels like a whole new way to experience oblivion (I hope! hahaha)

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I will do that in future updates, for now I am starting with a single vendor near Kvatch. I will be adding dialogue and other things to that and any other vedors too, when I am more familiar with the CS.


For now though, I want to ceate a bunch of useful and interesting spells that seem like thier Positive counterparts, but still different.


For example, my first spell in this vein, Hungry Eyes, is going to be a low anti-magicka cost Detect life, 120 duration, but because of it's slightly low cost will deal some fatigue damage to the user as a "cost".

I made a few others for Detect life (growing in power and with unique effects) and will move on once I have worked the kinks out of them, and balanced thier magicka cost vs thier effects.


This part of the mod is really the easy part though, so thanks again for all your help WarRatsG!

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