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[LE] Custom Cloak Spell Not applying Associated Damage Spell?

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Hey anyone ever experience making a custom cloak spell, and notice that the associated spell you need to link to for a damage component isn't actually doing any damage? I know the cloak effect is activating as I put in visuals to cue me in on when it was, however I'm not seeing the damage effect actually apply.


I'm going to throw together a quick debug script to have it fire off some notifications if its actually activating or not once I get done with work for the day, but I figured I'd throw this up to see if there are any responses by the time I get done today.


If it's any help, this cloak effect is activated using a Self/Concentration spell similar to DLC1's Vampire Grip.

If anyone has any insight on this it could very well be helpful, thanks as always.

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Have you checked a standard, vanilla cloak spell to ensure the damage part of those work? I ran into a similar problem recently with a vanilla flame cloak scroll from one of the Mage Guild quests. I didn't bother to debug it (easier to console through the boring quest), but I figured it was probably the result of conflict with another mod that alters damage handling, like No Friendly Fire Reborn. So if even vanilla cloak spells don't put out damage, you might look at what other mods you're using that could be interfering.

Edited by DarkRudra
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Hmmm. I doubt it's any other mod interference as when I test my stuff I shut off pretty much every mod aside of SKSE64 and Frostfall/Campfire.


However you do raise a good point about trying to load a vanilla DMGSpell in there to see if it's applying, because if the it does it's an issue with my damage spell, and if it doesn't work it's an issue with my cloak spell.


The main reason that I'm scratching my head so to speak is I've made a custom cloak spell that works before, however that was the typical self/FF style cloak that vanilla uses. This one is a self/concentration like the one applied to a vampire lord while using vampiric grip (which then applies a damage spell that drains how from the target being gripped).

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