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Ultimate Serial killer mod + safe for quests!!


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There is lots of mods about killing everyone but then you got to be careful about killing quest givers.

There is lots of mods that allow quest givers to be killed / spared and give you choice....but its just not the same as what i am proposing.


Lets be frank, the ultimate dream would be to rampage and murder with no real game - breaking consequences right? And still play the same save with no problems?

This is what i am proposing;


Make all npcs except those who need permanently die in quests....respawn!!

So what Jarl Balgruuf is murdered, wait and he will respawn when he is meant to (im using a mod that alters the tine so easily cuatomisable)

So what you murder a quest-giver? Wait for them to respawn!!!!

Instant rampage and mayhem, no game-breaking ramifications!!



oh please oh please please!!!

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