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Help with King of Riverhelm mod (I'm a noob)


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Hey guys I'm new to using mods and the only one I've gotten to work so far is the map with roads one. I really want to use the King of Riverhelm mod, but i put all of the data files in correctly I'm sure but when i start the game nothing has changed. Any help would be nice.




Im playing the game on mac without windows.

I DO NOT have Steam so when i launch the game there is no option called "Data Files" only "Continue", "New","Load","Credits" and i think tech support.

I DID pay for the game even though i do not have Steam

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Not sure how macs work. On a PC it is impossible to buy a legal copy of Skyrim and install it without hooking up to Steam.


The map mod was likely an .espless texture replacer so there would be nothing to activate. But with the other mods, chances are that they would all have to be activated. (Although on the PC, the default Stream uses is to automatically activate all of your new mods without you lifting a finger.) It seems that you would have to be able to have access to Data File or something like unto it to get your mods working.


Would it be possible for you to hook up to Steam?

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go to C:\Program Files (x86) [ wadeva ur skyrim folder is ] and u will see a folder call data, put ur mod file into the folder.

then go to Documents\My Games\Skyrim , click on the SkyrimPrefs and press ctrl f and type in Launcher. when u reach the line, paste this bEnableFileSelection=1 above [Water] and save the notepad.

then go to skyrimlauncher and click on data file and tick ur mod name then start game.

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  • 2 years later...

Riverwood is just a bit south on the road on the way to Whiterun from the begining of the game if you managed to stay on the road at all... I also have a bit of trouble when I get to Riverwood. The game crashes as soon as I arrive to the area, but it doesn't affect gameplay when I am outside the grid area of Riverwood; just only in it. Is there a bug fix for KoR or is there a particular load order I have to place the mod at?

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