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armor conversion request


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You would first need permission from the author to port over the armor.


Another issue I see which isnt a issue more of a time thing is I think fallout 4 armor is in a different pose than new vegas so not only would you have to refit the outfit to the new pose you would have to re-skin it to the new fallout 4 bones

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there is a pretty good tutorial on it here: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/21111/ i just can't get anything to fit properly, but that's most likely because i don't have much practice with outfit studio. as to permissions, many people have requested it in the posts on the mod page, it sounds like the author either doesn't know how to port it, or doesn't want to spend the time on it. but obviously either the modder doing the porting or i would confirm with the author.

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What is the policy when it comes to stuff like this? if this Mod was using base assets from New Vegas, is it aloud to be used in Fo4? If its made from scratch then of course it can be used but, just wondering why we don't see more armors from the other games and Skyrim?

I've seen a few from skyrim and fallout nv/3 posted, but I'm honestly not sure. I'm certainly not looking to get anyone in trouble, just love the armor and know its rather popular and there have been many requests for this on the page

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