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Armor Request


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Hey out there,


First of all : I got a bad english sometimes soo....


Anyways I'm playing and stealthy assasin like char (female khajiit :teehee: ) and I'm a little bit bored by the default dragonscale armor.....

I found some nice mods out there and i wondered if somebody (with a little bit experience with armor modding/retexturing/etc. and some knowledge about CBBE) could combine them after my ideas....


So here are my idea:


The armor itself should look something like this and also with CBBE and if possible weight slider should work...


and if possible without the shoulders i hate them standing out so much :turned:


The boots should look like this one (dragonscale ones)



so the thing thats missing are the gauntlets....I love playing khajiit and i think the gauntlets of the stormcloak officers look awesome on them especially in bare handed fighting, so it would be great if these gauntlets are included insteat of the boring default dragonscale gauntlets.


In my opinion the helmet looks really strange (only my opinion) so i would say the helmet should look something like the hood in this one but still count as an helmet


(The color of the whole armor should be very sinister/black/dark so the color of the hood mod would be fine on every part)


(maybe named something like "Panther Armor" black with claws and so things u know :P )


I tryed to mod armors myself but i failed totally xD so if somebody could take this job for me it would be really,really great and all credits will go to him ofc


If somebody is able to complete this armor => THANKS! (really big one :teehee: )

If not => worth a try :P

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