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3D Modeler/animator Needed!


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I am looking for anyone who is fluent in 3D modeling and animations. I want to create a draw bridge utilizing 3 DweFacadeBridge01Snow lined up together. upon player activation, the drawbridge animates either by lowering itself like a castle drawbridge with maybe some dwemer chandelier ropes to extend it down or create a drawbridge that extends out like a moving plank. player would need to be able to activate to open and close position. any help?
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Learning is your best bet!

No need to thank me :thumbsup:


i have blender, i have nifscope and i have gimp. my understanding of their capabilities is limited. I also do not have enough time to learn these programs completely before i complete my mod, which is why im asking for help. i do thank you for the idea, and the thought has crossed my mind, but to jump into animation without a lick of understanding of 3d modeling, i am bound for failure.

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