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New Might & Magic® Heroes VI Armour


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Hi is it possible for someone to make a new heavy armour set based of the "Duke of Griffin's armour" from Might & Magic® Heroes VI. I would love it if you could make the cape as well as the 2h Sword, If your really feeling up for it maybe make a smaller 1h version for those who like shields. Of course there is no shield so if you would like to make one in keeping with the griffin design would be cool.

Make it so it is under daedra crafting section, Ideally would want to use it at a high end armour (Even tho it looks silver/steel) Please do NOT make it a replacement for the Standard Daedra Armour, Please make it a complete new set under the list.

If you make a female alt version then cool but I ideally want it for male characters.








Here's a hoping someone will do this in your spare time, Thanks.


PS: fricking awesome game all ;) lol

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  • 1 year later...

I think too this armor should be created.It's epic!If someone could do that (high quality :D) I would worship him like a god. :)


Also i asked some friends about this armor and they all think it should be created.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I agree with the two above posters. This armor set is amazing, and I would love to see it (as well as the sword) in Skyrim.


My apologies for bumping a thread over a year old; I am just surprised that this armor set isn't a mod yet. Same with Judgement from WoW.

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  • 2 months later...

Hello, I would like to present my idea for a modification to Skyrim. I created this post in the topic because I did not want to assume a similar topic , that does not create 1000 threads with the same / similar subject, I also wanted to highlight his support for the idea of ​​the armor mod as did the users above. I hope that is not compromised moderators any inconvenience.

So - to the point. If only someone would spend their time and their remarkable ability to forging ideas into virtual dream I gladly offer the person an idea to create a mod for Skyrim , in which the creator of mods could create an exact copy of the Angelic Alliance sword in the game universe Might and Magic: Heroes VI . This is such an intricate piece that begs to be placed in the game, in which the blade could be used to untangle quite real to the enemy skulls . Of course I do not recommend anyone to violate copyright of Black Hole or successors - makers work under the sign of Might and Magic . It's just a small - big request to create a true copy of a possibly great in my own opinion the sword to the great game that is undoubtedly Skyrim. I do not believe that the creation of such a sword is impossible. I have seen the work of many modders that are as intricate as the design of the sword. You have "only" invest your time and energy to create such a work , I say " only ", but I am well aware that this is a serious issue , and the time nowadays is weight in gold . I am also sure that many people would be pleased with a game-world-renowned sword. If I had any trace skills needed to create these mods , I'd have made ​​the sword, and please, please, those of you who have some spare time and a desire to create such a mod . Thank you in advance .

And now the concert Wishlist: P. I would like to make this a one-handed sword , or if someone manages - to create two versions of one-and two - hand versions , I'd be obliged . Sword IMO should be craftable, Daedric or Dragon ( even more dragon suits me ) , so that the " ingredients " (elements ) ( recommend to consider the need for such bone dragon - in any quantity, Daedra Heart - units 1 and steel ingots , gold and silver in the number of 20 - it's as " common sense " specifications ) are readily available and that it was a sword with a sharp kick , but not too strong - that's around 90 - 150 damage. It may also / and be the Sword of the Griffin from M & M : Heroes VI :wink: even more glad for me Angelic Alliance sword mapped as closely as possible . I would ask also that there is a replacement blade (do not replace, please) any sword in the game.

What used to be a beautiful armor shown at the top , it also would be for this to some kind soul has created something close to that maximum .

To all those who read what I wrote - many thanks and best regards : 8-)

I would like to apologize for my terrible English.
EDIT 2: I wrote in this topic, as it is here picture showing the sword (Sword of the Griffin), which I wish someone created before, I do not know how to insert pictures. To be clear - I would ask anyone who can devote their time to create one of the two swords - Angelic Alliance and / or Sword of the Griffin.
EDIT 3: If you wrote in google "
M&M Heroes VI Angelic Alliance" then highlight for you the several pictures with numered swords - Dynssty Weapons, Angelic Alliance is the number 14 and Sword of the Griffin is number 1.

Edited by Voymir
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  • 1 year later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

That is a Godly armor indeed...
I would very much like to bash the foul dremoras and dragons wearing that platemail...

In my opinion the armor should be equivalent to Daedric armor so the champions of light can have a fair fight against the blackguards of darkness.

And please make a shield as I prefer bashing over slashing and smashing and hacking...

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