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Moving NiTriTransformController Block in Nifskope


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I'm attempting to add animation to a mesh block that is rigged to the wrists.


The animation works inside the Nifskope file though I havn't tried it in skyrim yet. I am trying to get only the claws to move but at the moment everything in the file moves.


I copied and pasted the NiTriTransformController Block into the nifskope file and referred it too the NiNode group that only contains the claws, but instead of placing the block in a NiNode group seperate from the rest of the blocks, it creates a copy so although the claws now move separate to the wrists, all objects in the scene still move.


My question is how do I delete the Origonal NiTriTransformController Block and keep the second which is inside the NiNode group with the claws?










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