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Please help me. I made a piece of armor for Skyrim


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Alright, I'm going to put what I know out there.


So I've modeled myself a neat helmet on Blender. Ok. Using reference images of a head to make it as best fitting as possible.

Now all I want to do is transfer this to Skyrim. I know I need to add weights, and get this nifskope thing. But it is all very confusing.


Firstly: I did do a web search for this and found a Nexus step by step process for making my mesh made in Blender into a wearable model in Skyrim.


Whats confusing is that it had a download link for some niftools plugin that would allow me to import and export .nif files from Skyrim in order to make my mesh useful. The thing is the link has the plugin for Blender, But it clearly states next to the version that is does not support Skyrim. What am I do do?


And could someone please explain what I will be using Gimp for?


I can texture my model through blender as well, right? Why need GIMP?


Just clarify what you can please.

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Blender isn't compatible with Skyrim, you have to load your mesh into Nifscope and change a couple of the values before you can put it into the game or put an existing Skyrim mesh into blender.


Gimp is used to create the texture of your item in .dds format. (It doesn't have to be GIMP, you just need software that can save files in .dds, GIMP is free, that's why many use it)

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Do you have any tutorials or guides on how to do this?


I mean, how to Load the Skyrim. nif into Nifscope and then change it for blender, and vice versa.\?


What about weighting the model? And stuff?>

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Should all be in the tutorial that 'you've already read...' (well except for weighting the model in blender of course)


Link us to this tutorial and we will gladly highlight the sections that you must have missed

Edited by biggestkid
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I'm sorry. I stopped reading after I could not complete the first several steps because of the Blender issue. (Wanted it resolved first)


Here we go: http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Creating_an_armour_for_Skyrim._Part_1


And when I mean tutorials, I need one to help me do what I need to do for my model. As in, some tutorials are all about changing armor mesh's that have been imported FROM the game. So they don't need to be changed that much to reinsert them.

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Section 3.2 of the tutorial you linked explains how to import a Skyrim mesh into Blender.


Section 3.2.7 in part 1 of the same tutorial explains how to add weights.


Section 2.1.3 in part 2 of the same tutorial explains how to export the mesh into Skyrim.

Edited by uk33
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Hmm...It seems that ever time I try to run the Nifscripts exe for blender it always tells me to install Blender. Even though its already installed. The link points to V2.58 or so. I have 2.62.


It doesn't say I need 2.58. And I don't think I should, right?

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Yes, I downloaded Nifscope and I installed it as a program. That all went fine.


Its when I went and got the Nifttools plugin for Blender that it told me I needed blender for it to work. So I had to install blender first. But I already have blender installed. So its not detecting my file location properly or something. I have my files for my work saved in Blender which is located on my C: drive

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