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Rebuild Sky Haven Temple to its former glory


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Hey guys, I'm just throwing in another mod idea. It quite surprises me that no one has done this yet. I know there are mods out there that try to upgrade Sky Haven Temple, but they're all pretty half-baked (my intention is not to dismiss these author's efforts of course).


So, in my opinion, the Blades' part in the story is not worthy of their importance in the Elder Scrolls saga. I thought that it would be a cool idea to let you recruit as many blades as you want and create a real fortress inside Sky Haven Temple. I think to the temple should be added diverse rooms, such as a Blades-worthy library, different storage rooms, a room for the Dovahkiin of course, and so on and so forth. In addition, I think the temple should be embellished (and by embellished I do not mean just adding banners with the "dovahkiin symbol" that is, by the way, the logo of the Imperial Legion (even though it goes back to Tiber Septim, the original Dragonborn). The real ancient Dragonborn logo is the one you encounter at the Temple when you have to gain access to Alduin's wall.


After upgrading the temple, it could even go further and there could be a city created underneath or around the city, filled with people that search for the Dragonborn and his Blades' protection. In my opinion, this would not at all be lore-breaking considering that the Blades should be of greater importance for the story. Who knows, maybe the Blades could play an essential role in the Civil war? Using the UFO-mod you could let your Blades army participate in the battles for Skyrim.


However, even though I have many ideas, I do not have the knowledge, nor my gaming pc to make the idea come true at the moment.


Maybe creating this Sky Haven City could be inspired from the "Become King of Riverhelm"-Mod. I mean he was able to create a whole new city, why not somebody else?


I hope anyone thinks this idea should be pursued and realized.



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I had wanted to do this at some point, using the imagery in the Art Book (from the Collector's Edition) as a source, which paints Sky Haven as a much more grand and awe-inspiring place.


But until I can get my Mjolnir mod to a good holding off point (I'm slowly starting work on introducing throwing), my hands are quite tied.

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Yeah I know it pretty much sucks as it is right now.. I was hoping it would be fairly upgraded once you finish the Blades questline, but all that happens is food put on the tables and some candles being lit. I would really love to be able to have the temple as a home with all your minions guarding the place. I hope more people read about this...
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