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New landmass mod. Looking for modders


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Me and a few other people are starting to create a new continent mod.

We have a pre-built landmass, and are in the process of populating the forests, bays, etc


We plan on including a multitude of quests, big and small, as well as one massive main quest, which is already planned out.


if anyone here is interested in helping us then please respond here, or email me at [email protected]


We need:


New Custom Meshes

New Textures

Scripters (nothing too advanced, enough to set up some quests)



and overall, just any modders, we'll appreciate the help no matter how small. We need some people with basic knowlage of the Construction set to help with populating, creating, and furnishing the land.


Once again, if anyones interested the contact me for more info.

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