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Need help finding a turn baised RPG


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Ok, so I must admit something, I'm looking for a turn Based RPG, much like Pok'emon or Final Fantasy...but I want one based on reality. No Dragons, No elemental powers, (Such as sorcery, fire, water, ect) No fancy back story about a magical kingdom or war of gods, just something based out of reality. But I'm not finding one, and I was wondering if any of you know of any such RPG's. I'm kinda feel like I'm chasing a shadow, though.


Here's What systems I can support the game on:

Windows computer with windows 7, 2.0 GHz (Max) 3GB ram (Max), any file size

Sega Geniuses

Sega Dreamcast

Sony PlayStation and playstation2


Nintendo 64

Nintendo Wii

Xbox (Not Xbox 360)

PlayStation Vita

PlayStation Portable

Game boy advance

Nintendo DS

Nintendo 3DS

Ipod touch Generation 3

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For the DS/gameboy advance you can get Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (FFTA) and FFTA2.


The PSP has FFT: War of the Lions. These all have magic, but war of the lions feels a bit more realistic than the nindendo ones though they are all very fun.


For the Gamecube/xbox you can get Gladius. It has a little magic and no huge back story which are things you are looking for.


For the PS2 there is Xenosaga (I think there are 3 games), and the games Dark Cloud 1 / 2 though it is more of a real time game with some turn based elements.


I remember there was a game called Ogre Battle 64 for the N64 which may fit the criteria of games your were looking for.


Another one is Dragon Warrior for the NES. I know it isn't a listed system but I figured I may as well add it as it can get pretty addicting :tongue: .


Now, for the PC there is Fallout/ 2 /Tactics which plays out in a real time turn based style and may interest you.


Some of these titles are very well known so you may have played them before. Hopefully some of these games fit in the style you wanted. Unfortunately not many of them incorporate movement tiles in addition to combat so it isn't like traditional Final Fantasy or Pokemon. Maybe if I played more of those game I could compile a larger list of ones without movement.

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Persona Series on the PS1, PS2 is as close as you'll ever get to modern life turn based RPG... ofc it has demons in it. :P

Yeah Fallout 1,2 and Tactics for PC. I definitely recommend Fallout Tactics. :thumbsup:

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