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MojoRising420 - Formal warning issued

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MojoRising420 has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason:


Antagonizing a mod author via PM. Belittling, discrediting, or aggressively criticizing another member or their content.


Subject: You have your head up your ass

You could have just uploaded an older version of the patch for assassin, and his curiosity of your patch being the culprit would be put at ease.


But he only has 3 mods on, and removing the patch solved the issue, that does reasonably point toward the patch as the culprit.


You clearly must have personal issues with admitting to fault and criticism, ultimately banning people for unrespected questions and unoffensive articulation, like a bossy toddler during a sleepover.


What a joke to tell the others. Pure Manchild


Laughing out Loud.





This warning was issued for what took place here, here




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